Wednesday, July 23, 2008

[Korean] Soy Sauce Chicken Steak

This is an easy-to-make Korean chicken dish with a sweet soy sauce. The sauce tastes similar to well-known teriyaki sauce.

Soy Sauce Chicken Steak (serves 4)

Ingredients [click here for details]
4 chicken breasts
olive oil enough to cover a frying pan
corn starch enough to rub on chicken surface
4 Tbsp of soy sauce
3 Tbsp of sugar
7+2 Tbsp of dry white wine
1/2 tsp of barbecue sauce
1/3 tsp of ginger powder
a pinch of black pepper

cooking Instruction
1. hammer chicken to shape it into thin steaks-about 1/2 inch thick.

2. Marinate chicken with 2 Tbsp of white wine, a pinch of black pepper

3. Put corn starch powder on the entire surface of chicken steak.

4. Oil the pan enough to cover a frying pan and cook chicken with medium-high fire till chicken is cooked and the color is brown.

5. prepare the sauce by mixing 4 Tbsp of soy sauce, 3 Tbsp of sugar, 7 Tbsp of dry white wine, 1/2 tsp of barbecue sauce, and 1/3 tsp of ginger powder.

6. Add the sauce to chicken in the frying pan and reduce the sauce.

How to Serve
Serve this chicken steak as a main dish with a fresh or mild-taste side dish.  For example, Cucumber rice rolls with mock crab can be a good side dish for this dish.

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